The reveal of place$ to make money online

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Earn money at MicroWorkers

Have you ever heard about pay-per-action in earning money online? MicroWorkers is one of the sites which pays for jobs you do, and the jobs are usually not too hard, it commonly requires you to work for around 3 to 5 minutes to accomplish a task. That's why it is called micro workers.

Microworkers is about connecting people who need something done (Employers) with people who want to help (Workers). These "things that need to be done" are called "micro jobs". The reward for each job varies, depending on the difficulties, and it usually ranges from $0.10 to $0.50 or even more. If you are diligent enough, you can earn about $4 a day :D The minimum payout is $9.

Not yet a member of MicroWorkers? Register ASAP!!! :)
Click on the image below to register ^^



  1. pernah coba,, tapi bingung cara kerjanya

  2. Bingung dimana yah? Cara kerjanya itu kek kita terima project² mini ajah dari orang² yang request job-nya. Kita tinggal liat mana yang bisa kita kerjain, terus kita terima kerjaannya. Setelah itu, kita lakukan langkah² sesuai ama yang dimau orangnya.

    Di akhir kriteria, biasanya orangnya minta email, username, atau sejenisnya yang dipakai untuk memenuhi persyaratannya.. hehehe, simple kok ^^

  3. iya dah coba,,
    dah kerjain 2 job dari microworkers,,
    tp ms balance nya masih $0,00 ?
    mangnya byrnya smp berapa dolar n berapa lm br bs diambil?
    nie bkn scam kn??

    kn ngeri klo scam,, :(

  4. Hmm, seharusnya bukan scam yah, bisa dicheck di, bentar lagi saya bisa payout neh, nanti saya post proof of payment-nya kalau sudah payout.

    Setelah kerjain job dari microworkers, itu biasanya ga langsung dapet $, nanti direview ama yang kasih kerjaan dulu, kalo udah OK, nanti baru dapet $-nya. Di bagian atas, bisa dilihat di menu "Tasks I finished",, di situ ada list job yang udah diselesaikan dan yang sudah diterima bayarannya.

    Kalau soal cepat lamanya diterima itu, tergantung dari yang kasih job-nya, tapi kalau udah lewat 7 hari, otomatis dianggap diterima. Kalau yang kasih kerjaan rate "not satisfied", kita bisa tetep complain, kalo emang kita yakin kerjaan kita bener. Waktu itu saya pernah complain salah satu job, dan dibayar juga akhirnya :D

  5. ada yang mirip dengan MicroWorkers.. BARU !!!


    join disini :

  6. I might intrested joining this site only after you answered my questions ;)

    1. how many jobs daily are there for non US members?
    2. how much do you earn daily on this site?
    3. and how long did you reach your first payout since you first joined?

    ps: notify me please once you answered my previous questions ;)

  7. 1. Most of the jobs are for international members, which mean members from any country are accepted. It only depends on whether or not you can accomplish the jobs ^^ Currently, there are 70 and more jobs offer now. There has always been 50s and more available on my lists, just that I'm lazy to do it.

    2. I can't tell you how much exactly I earn daily from this site. Mostly , I only do simple jobs which take several minutes, like signing up to a web, digging an article, reading an article, putting link on our site, buzzing an article on Yahoo, etc. Kind of jobs varies here.

    3. As what I've said in another post, it takes some time till we get our PIN sent to our address for the first payment. It arrived in not more than a week. It took me around 2 months or more till I got my first payment, since was quite lazy and used to only work for several minutes a day on this site. The more you work, the more you earn. For sure, an easy job requires around 3-5 minutes.

    You are free to join :)

  8. Wew, di atas kan dah diceritain panjang lebar :P Gampang kok cara kerjanya. Silakan dicoba dulu :P

  9. Thanks for visiting and reading, Imelda :)

  10. Akun saya diterminated ama si Microwokersnya. Mana orangnya sudah sikontak lagi.

  11. Hmm, kenapa di-terminate yah, sob? Account saya ok-ok ajah tuh...

  12. Iya saya kurang ngerti tuh. Tadi saya coba satu jam sebelumnya bisa. Tiba-tiba refresh, minta login lagi trus saya login dan muncul error seperti ini:

    This account has been terminated and cannot be activated again.

  13. Wah, saya kurang ngerti tuh >.< Ada double account ga? Atau ada langgar ketentuannya ga yah?


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