The reveal of place$ to make money online

Friday, January 29, 2010

Proof of Payment 2 from MicroWorkers

Get my second payment from MicroWorkers :D Surprisingly, it takes only 5 days to get my second payment after being requested :D Guess the payments after the first one will be faster ^^

Here's the proof of my second payment from MicroWorkers:

In MicroWorkers, we get paid only by doing micro jobs, such as signing up to a website, putting link to a website, digging an article, commenting on an article, etc., which usually takes only 3 to 5 minutes per job.

If you are interested in earning money on MicroWorkers, click on the image below and register :)



  1. wuiii kaya om :D
    bagi bagi dung :D

  2. congrats bro. maaf blom join, but i will :)

  3. Oh, gpp ^^ FYI, Penghasilan dari referral itu sangat kecil, dan kita baru dapat hanya setelah referral kita cashout sebesar $25... hehehe :)


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