The reveal of place$ to make money online

Friday, January 29, 2010

Proof of Payment 2 from MicroWorkers

Get my second payment from MicroWorkers :D Surprisingly, it takes only 5 days to get my second payment after being requested :D Guess the payments after the first one will be faster ^^

Here's the proof of my second payment from MicroWorkers:

In MicroWorkers, we get paid only by doing micro jobs, such as signing up to a website, putting link to a website, digging an article, commenting on an article, etc., which usually takes only 3 to 5 minutes per job.

If you are interested in earning money on MicroWorkers, click on the image below and register :)


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Scams Recently

So sad having to make this post... phew... But, can't help. Just met quite some scam PTC sites recently. Starting from UtilBux. Yes, it is now officially S-C-A-M, after being abandoned for several weeks!

Another one is LucyBux. At first, on pre-launch, it said that the minimum payout would be $1. After launched, it changes the rule for the payout, the minimum payout was then changed to $2. And a few days ago, it came with another new rule, that all standard members have to advertise to be able to request payout. I believe it is just another SCAM PTC site... phew.... Hard Luck!

The other one. Yes, still, the other one! Can you imagine it?! >.< YouPTC was lost. I already earned more than $1 there, but then, after finished clicking there, I notice that there were only $0.29, 24 clicks only :( What a dissapointment... phew...

Sorry for promoting these 3 sites, since these sites seemed promising at first. Well, we can't predit what will happen. At least, we observed quite well that these sites promised low minimum payout and standard ads rate. The rest, will remain unpredictable... phew...

Thursday, January 21, 2010

RemixBux, PTC site with a lot of ads

Edit: Guess is but another scam PTC site >.< phew... sorry for promoting. After I investigate further, it appears to be a scam site. And notice that it's just like an abandoned PTC site, with no forum :(

Payment proof from PayPal

Yes, the payment is from PayPal itself, as promised, it has paid for the PayPal WishList program it previously promote on facebook ^^ I am sure others also have received the payment from PayPal today :D

Here is my the proof:


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Proof of Payment from UpBux

I've just got my first payment from UpBux. Joined it a few months ago, should have had my payout long time ago, but I lost after playing games there... lol, and now, I've just got my first payment. The payout here should be reached quite fast, the minimum payout is $2, just like NeoBux. There are at least 4 ads per day, sometimes 5, for standard member, $0.01 per ads.

Here's my proof of payment from UpBux:

If you have not already joined UpBux, I recommend you to join it now! :)
Just click on the image below to register to UpBux


Friday, January 15, 2010


Just joined SwannBux, I've actually seen this PTC for quite some time, but didn't join since the click rate is lower, i.e. $0.008 per click and the minimum payout is $4 for standard member, 4 ads per day. Recently find out that the admin is fair, so I decide to give it a try ^^

If you have not joined SwannBux yet, click on the image below to join now! :)


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Proof of Payment from

Got my first payment on, this PTC site is just like NeoBux, for standard member, 4 ads per day, $0.0o8 per ads, and the minimum payout is $2. I currently earn $0.04++ a day, since there are usually 6 ads for member with silver membership. Sometimes, there are even 2 or 4 more additional ads for all members (including standard members) to click :D I got a silver membership, since I joined on pre-launch ^^

Here is my proof of payment. Payment is instant here, through PayPal or Alertpay.

If you have not joined yet, I recommend you to join it now! :)
Click on the image below to join

BUXee - The Innovation in PTC

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Proof of Payment from MicroWorkers

Finally get my first payment on Microworkers ^^ The waiting period for the first payment is quite long, since we have to wait for the PIN to be sent to our address, then we'll have to submit the PIN. I'm now close to my second payment on Microworkers. In Microworkers, we earn by only doing micro jobs, which takes 3 minutes or more for each job, like signing up on a web, digging an article, or reading an article. Quite an easy way to earn ^^

Here's my proof of payment:

If you're not yet a member of Microworkers, I recommend this earning site to you, as it's not hard to earn here. Will even be easier if you have a web or blog ^^
Click the image below, and register to the site to join now :)


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