The reveal of place$ to make money online

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Proof of Payment from MicroWorkers

Finally get my first payment on Microworkers ^^ The waiting period for the first payment is quite long, since we have to wait for the PIN to be sent to our address, then we'll have to submit the PIN. I'm now close to my second payment on Microworkers. In Microworkers, we earn by only doing micro jobs, which takes 3 minutes or more for each job, like signing up on a web, digging an article, or reading an article. Quite an easy way to earn ^^

Here's my proof of payment:

If you're not yet a member of Microworkers, I recommend this earning site to you, as it's not hard to earn here. Will even be easier if you have a web or blog ^^
Click the image below, and register to the site to join now :)


1 comment:

  1. another great site, you vote needed to vote for the greatest miracle for 21th century >>


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