The reveal of place$ to make money online

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Proof of Payment from UpBux

I've just got my first payment from UpBux. Joined it a few months ago, should have had my payout long time ago, but I lost after playing games there... lol, and now, I've just got my first payment. The payout here should be reached quite fast, the minimum payout is $2, just like NeoBux. There are at least 4 ads per day, sometimes 5, for standard member, $0.01 per ads.

Here's my proof of payment from UpBux:

If you have not already joined UpBux, I recommend you to join it now! :)
Just click on the image below to register to UpBux



  1. Lost in playing games.. LOL
    That's why I don't recommend playing games at Upbux in my review xD
    Anyway, congrats on your first payment. I will soon joining you (getting paid) after several days from now :)

  2. Hahahaha, yeah, I lost a dollar or more on the game. Man's (read: Human's) nature :D


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