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Monday, February 1, 2010

Proof of Payment 3 from NeoBux

Get my 3rd payment from NeoBux ^^ NeoBux is a trusted and paying PTC site, it has over 3 million members. Some even earn $2,500 a month. Yes, $2,500 is the net profit only, after reduced by the others. $2,500 a month only from a PTC? Could you imagine that?! :D

Here is my 3rd proof of payment:

What are you waiting for? If you have not joined NeoBux yet, click on the image below and register ASAP! ;)



  1. Forgot to say congrats :D

    Do you rely on direct refs or on rent refs? I think unless you're hyper active or using other techniques to promote your link, it's quite hard to find new neobux members.

  2. Rented referrals, but it doesn't work too good. I've found a new technique, but haven't tried it yet, not enough fund to afford it. After I have enough, I'll try it, and figure something out. Yes, most people have joined NeoBux, it is now not easy to get direct referrals to NeoBux.. hehehe

  3. cuit cuittttt ^^ om steven dapet lagi ^^ btw.. bagi2 tekniknya ya buat neobux ^^

  4. Hmm, masih perlu modal neh, kaga tau juga jalan ato ga >.< phew... susah juga kalo ga bermodal, modalin donk mi :D


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